Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Through his words and actions, Pope Francis has consistently urged the faithful to follow the example of Jesus Christ and the inspiration of the saints to protect life, care for others in need, and support those arriving in new lands. The Holy Father recently said, “Following the example of our Master, we are called to draw close to others and to share in the condition of the people we meet.”
As followers of Christ, we are called to live works of mercy in our daily lives. We have an opportunity to receive and give many works of mercy through Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM). As the charitable arm of the Archdiocese of Detroit, CCSEM services are patterned on the ministry of Jesus Christ and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit.
CCSEM provides support for those giving and caring for precious human life, for those enduring a range of personal and family challenges, for those new to our country, and many others. CCSEM programs and services are provided in authentically Catholic environments consistent with Church teachings and values.
I encourage you to learn about the many programs and services offered by CCSEM, which exists to help you, your loved ones, your friends, and neighbors.
For those who are able, please consider sharing your gifts by volunteering with CCSEM, supporting CCSEM through a financial donation, or by helping spread the word about CCSEM’s good works through social media or in conversation with others. Those who give of themselves in this way enjoy a spiritual reciprocation with those being helped, for they receive the privilege of giving of themselves in the Lord’s name.
Asking for God’s continued blessings upon all our efforts to serve those in need, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit