Temporary Closure Announcement!
The Center for the Works of Mercy at our new location at 10301 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48202, is temporarily closed for construction and to prepare for our grand reopening in March of 2025!
To learn how you can help, donate, or inquire about assistance and resources during our closure, please call 313-335-3261
Help fulfill our wishlist!
***NEW LOCATION*** 10301 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48202
Temporarily closed for renovations and to prepare for our grand reopening!
Anna Licavoli
Contact Anna by email at licavolia@ccsem.org
The Center for the Works of Mercy in Detroit exists to change lives by providing food, clothing, and healthcare services to individuals with low incomes. This one-stop haven of help and hope offers services and programs in one location. Please review the program information below for specifics.
The Mercy Food Pantry partners with Gleaners Food Bank to provide food and groceries to individuals and families in need. Call 313-335-3261 to schedule an appointment.
Malta Medical & Dental Clinic provides free and low-cost medical and dental services to anyone who is uninsured and with little to no income. The Malta Medical & Dental Clinic team will assist any client(s) in Medicaid or insurance enrollment. Click here to view a flyer in English or here for a flyer in Spanish.
Our case managers assist in housing-related issues, resource aid, and more. To contact our case managers, call 313-335-3261.
The Mercy Clothing Closet is available to individuals and families in need. You can call 313-335-3261 to schedule an appointment. Seasonal donations are appreciated and accepted. If your parish or organization is interested in hosting a drive, please contact Jacqueline Beltowski at 313-202-9492 or email her at beltowskij@ccsem.org
The Wayne County Jail Outreach Ministry serves individuals affected by crime, offenders, and their families. Further, WCJOM provides education, quality care, advocacy, and serves individual spiritual needs, emotional well being and human dignity. Click here for more information or call 313-335-3261 ext.6 to schedule an appointment.
The Center for the Works of Mercy would love your help with sorting donations in our Clothing Closet and packing Food Pantry orders. You can CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer in the food pantry or contact Jacqueline Beltowski at 313-202-9492 or beltowskij@ccsem.org to get involved!
Project Hope is a pro-family initiative that helps with various stages of parenting, including Case Management, Confidential pregnancy testing, Baby items including diapers, wipes, and clothing, Referrals to community resources, Effective parenting skills education and support, Breastfeeding information, Post-partum depression education, Adoption information and support, and more. Learn more about Project Hope here or call Mary Beecy at the Cabrini Clinic at 313-961-7863 to schedule an appointment.
Through restorative practices, we strive to eliminate the barriers that impede the progress of those affected by the injustice of the judicial system in our communities. For more information, contact us at 313-897-5503 or hope@hopeindetroit.org or visit our website.